100 Amazing (and FREE) Printable Scripture Cards

I love using Scripture cards to focus my heart and mind on the Word of God–and FREE printable Scripture cards are a great way to study God’s Word!

I have compiled 100 printable Scripture cards that you can download and use in your personal Bible study time with God, or as you seek to hide God’s Word in your heart through Scripture memorization.

100 free printable scripture cards

100 Free Printable Scripture Cards

These Scripture cards are broken up into the following 11 sections and can be used when you need…

  • Love
  • Encouragement
  • Joy
  • Peace
  • Strength and Power
  • Hope
  • Faith
  • Perseverance in times of trouble
  • Grace
  • To overcome fear
  • Forgiveness

There is also a set of 8 blank cards that you can use to create your own Scripture cards with your favorite verses!

Going to the Word of God when we are in need of strength and encouragement is so important in our daily spiritual journey.

When the stresses and difficulties of life press in around us, we can take up the Sword of the Spirit and fight against the lies of the enemy with the Word of God!

Free Printable Scripture Cards on Love

The more we understand about the love of God, the more we understand God himself–because he is love.

Beloved, let us love one another, for love is from God, and whoever loves has been born of God and knows God. 1 John 4:7

God gives us the power to love others because he is love.

Use these Scripture cards to remind you of the immense power of God’s love for you, and allow his Spirit to equip you to love those around you!

Download the Scripture cards on love HERE.

free printable scripture cards 1

You can also check out the blog post with even more Scriptures on God’s love and a Scripture reading plan by going to the link here.

Free Printable Scripture Cards on Encouragement through Prayer

Focusing on the Word of God during times of discouragement is also a powerful way to get through difficult seasons in life.

The Scripture cards in this set feature verses that can give us strength and encouragement in our prayer lives. 

The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective. James 5:16

Download the Free Scripture cards on encouragement through prayer HERE.

free printable scripture cards 2

You can also check out the blog post on more Scriptures to focus on during times of discouragement HERE.

Free Printable Scripture Cards on Joy

Joy is more than just a bubbly feeling that comes and goes according to our emotions and circumstances–it is a powerful choice we make as followers of Christ to trust in him and abide in his Word. 

Even in the midst of difficult circumstances and opposition, we can choose to put on joy like we put on our clothing each morning–and with the power and hope of our mighty God, our joy will be complete.

I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete. John 15:11

Download the Scripture cards on joy by clicking HERE.

Free Printable Scripture Cards on Peace

Whenever I think of the word peace, I think of Jesus in the boat with his disciples. During a surging storm, Jesus was asleep in the boat, and the disciples frantically tried to keep the boat afloat.

They finally woke up Jesus as asked,

“Teacher, don’t you care if we drown?” He got up, rebuked the wind and said to the waves, “Quiet! Be still!” Then the wind died down and it was completely calm. Mark 4:38-39

There are definitely times when we feel like the disciples, wondering if God hears us, or if he will help us in our times of need. 

The truth is, Jesus does hear us, and he is right there with us in the midst of our storms. He hears our pain, he knows our hearts, and he will rise up and speak to the waves.

 Peace, be still.

May he still the raging seas of our souls, and calm our hearts with his covenant of peace.  Whatever you are going through, remember that Jesus is with you in the boat, and he will be attentive to our cries.

You can download the Free Scripture cards on peace by clicking HERE.

Check out this post with other Scriptures on peace that we can use to calm our souls, and download a free Scripture reading plan!

Free Printable Scripture Cards on Strength and Power

Use these free Scripture cards when you need strength and power to keep going! We often forget that because the Holy Spirit is living within us, we have everything we need to overcome any obstacle we face in life. 

The Holy Spirit infuses us with his power to do what we can’t do in our own strength.

I pray that out of his glorious riches he may strengthen you with power through his Spirit in your inner being, so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith. Ephesians 3:16-17a

May the Holy Spirit strengthen you with power in your inner being today!

Download the Free Scripture cards on strength and power HERE.

Free Printable Scripture Cards on Unswerving Hope

Are you in need of hope today? Hope is a powerful resolve to never give up–no matter how challenging life gets. We must daily remind ourselves that our hope, trust, and assurance is in Christ alone.

And we boast in the hope of the glory of God. Not only so, but we also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us. Romans 5:2-5

Allow the soothing truth of this Scripture to sink in! We don’t have to boast in our own accomplishments or merits, but we can boast in the fact that our hope is in God

This means that even in the midst of suffering, we can persevere through God’s strength, and he will develop within us perseverance, character,and unswerving hope.

Praise God that he has graciously poured his love on us, which gives us hope through his glory!

Download the Free Scripture Cards on hope HERE.

free printable scripture cards

Check out the post on how we can persevere through hope, even in the midst of shattered dreams HERE.

Free Printable Scripture Cards on Unshakable Faith

Sometimes trusting in God can feel as stable as a rickety bridge. We may not always know what will happen as we step out in faith, but we can always trust and believe that God will be with us. 

Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see. Hebrews 11:1

We have so many examples in Scripture of courageous men and women who trusted in God and walked by faith, and not by what they saw.

Like Noah and the faith it took to build an ark.

Or Abraham and Sarah, and the faith it took for them to go to a land they never witnessed before.

Or when Joshua led the Israelites into the land of Caanan.

Turn to the Word of God when you need to strengthen your faith, and remember the powerful examples in Scripture of people in the Bible who had unshakable faith.

Use these free Scripture cards on faith to remind you to put your hope and trust in God!

Download the free printable Scripture cards HERE.

free printable scripture cards

Free Printable Scripture Cards During Times of Trouble

There is no doubt that we are living in difficult times in our world today. Through all the trials and difficulties we are currently facing, I take great comfort in the truth that Jesus has already overcome this world of sin and darkness.

“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” John 16:33

More than ever, we need to take up the full Armor of God and use the power of God’s word to help us through times of trouble and suffering.

I pray that these free Scripture cards will remind you of the strength and hope we have through Christ!

Download the Scripture Cards on persevering through times of trouble HERE.

free printable Scripture cards

Free Printable Scripture Cards on Grace

We all need grace, don’t we? Without the grace of God, we would all perish in our sins.

For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God… Ephesians 2:8

Grace is God’s favor and love poured abundantly on each of us, even though we did nothing to earn it. 

In those moments when we “blow it” and find ourselves falling into old patterns of sin, let’s use these Scriptures to remind us that God’s grace is unending, and he lavishes it lovingly on us, his children!

Download the free Scripture cards on grace HERE.

free printable scripture cards

Free Printable Scripture Cards to Fight Fear

Fear is a liar, and continuously feeds us lies that God cannot be trusted. When we find ourselves paralyzed by fear and unable to walk in the freedom Jesus died to give us, hold tightly to the truth of Scripture.

God will never leave us.

He will never forsake us.

His promises are yes and amen.

His covenant of peace will never be removed.

We are more than conquerors through Christ.

The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged. Deuteronomy 31:8

Use these free Scripture cards to fight against fear with the truth of God’s Word!

Download the Free Scripture cards on fighting fear HERE.

Also, check out this blog post on how we can break free from a spirit of fear.

Free Scripture Cards on Forgiveness

Not only do we need grace and mercy for the forgiveness of our own sins, but we need the strength to forgive others when they sin against us. 

Forgiveness is not easy to extend to others, but God calls us to forgive those who have hurt us.

Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone. Forgive as the Lord forgave you. Colossians 3:13

I pray that the Scriptures in this set will give you the strength and courage to extend forgiveness to those around you!

Download these powerful Scriptures on forgiveness HERE!

free printable scripture cards

Free Blank Printable Scripture Cards

Here is a set of blank cards that you can print off and use to write your own favorite Scriptures on.

This set also contains the 100th Scripture card, if you are planning on printing all 100 Scripture cards from this post.

Download the blank cards HERE!

In Conclusion

Relying on Scripture is a powerful way to face any challenges that come our way. I hope that you enjoy using these Scripture cards to deepen your faith and walk in more freedom and fullness in Christ by focusing on God’s Word daily!

Related Posts

Eleven Ways to Memorize Scripture

Ten Creative Ways to Study the Bible

12 Scriptures for when you Feel Discouraged

Free Scripture Reading Plan on the Power of God’s Love

Free Scripture Reading Plan on Finding Perfect Peace

How to Find Hope when your Dreams are Shattered

12 Unshakable Scriptures to Stand On 

12 Scriptures to Defeat Fear and Anxiety

Join the Prayer Challenge!

Looking for ways to go deeper in your prayer life? Join the Bold Prayers of Jesus Challenge! In this email prayer challenge you will receive a prayer guide, a prayer journal, Scripture cards, prayer prompts, and Scripture reading plan, and more!

Join the Prayer Challenge by clicking HERE!

free printable scripture cards

16 thoughts on “100 Amazing (and FREE) Printable Scripture Cards”

  1. Linda Marquesen

    Thank you so much for creating so many free resources!
    I’m so looking forward to joining you for the prayer challenge. I guess I shouldn’t be influenced by the beauty of the materials. It almost seems shallow. But everything is sooo beautiful! And it just attracts me to all the details that much more than if it were just plain. Really! Who wouldn’t want to reach for something so attractive?
    And the scripture cards are absolutely gorgeous! I just couldn’t pass up the opportunity to say thanks for offering such pretty things without charge. As a retired senior on a pension, let me say thank you!
    I look forward to working with you!
    God bless you!
    Linda Marquesen

  2. Judy Hamilton

    Hi Christin,
    What a beautiful blog you have! I am so happy to have discovered it. I really appreciate all the beautiful and free scriptures to print off. I love to pass them out to others. I seem to be having a problem printing them, however, because the top and bottom rows have the border cut off. I have a canon printer and the printing only goes to within 1/4 inch of the edge of the paper. The scripture cards are just a little bit too big. Is it just me or do any others have this problem? I am not complaining especially since they are free! I just think these are so beautiful and wondered if you might have a suggestion for me. Thank you! Judy

    1. Hi Judy! I’m so glad you have found the printable resources on my blog helpful! I don’t have that problem when I print the cards (I have a HP ENVY 5540), but I know that all printers are different and have different print settings. If you go into your advanced print settings, under the scale section your can select “fit to printable area” or “fit to paper” to see if that works. You can also adjust the percentage of the scale from 100% to something smaller, like 90% to see if it prints the cards smaller for you. I hope this helps! Thanks so much for visiting! 🙂

      1. Hi Christin,

        I followed your suggestion and it worked perfectly! I should have thought to do that but totally forgot about that option until you mentioned it. Once again, thank you so much for sharing these scriptures! You present them in such a beautiful way. God is using you when you share these. I like to laminate some of them, and I also use my rounded corner punch on the corners.

        Thank you again!

  3. I LOVE these! I am working from home and have zoom meetings almost everyday. I like to have a pretty background behind me and I also like to have something about God or Jesus present in my background.
    I plan on printing these out on card stock and adding them to my background.
    I am also going to point some of my co-workers to your site, so they can be inspired and nourished by your posts. Thank you so much!

    1. Thank you so much Robin! I hope you enjoy these printables to encourage you and make your work space more appealing! Thanks so much for sharing these resources with others! May the Lord bless you and your family!

  4. Hello, I just happened to stumble upon this website while searching for scripture cards to print for a friend in the hospital. This is just what I was looking for~encouraging Bible verses that are each different and so very pretty. Thank you for providing this free service~what a blessing. These are just so beautiful and organized so well. I look forward to printing many more and passing them out to people I meet day to day who need a word of truth from the Bible. I cant tell you how this has blessed my day!!!! Thank you~

  5. Thank you so much, I dont generally reply but what a blessing, the Lord bless your labor of love seven fold. I was having difficulty and needing to memorize scripture on peace this page came up. The sword of the Spirit in beautiful color. I have to say this is a beautiful sword, thank you

  6. Hi Christin,

    Thank you for sharing these beautiful card designs. I am teaching Bible this year, and I was wondering if these may be used in a classroom setting with my students, or are they only for personal use?

    Thanks, from Leesa

  7. Thank you soooo much for these Scripture cards!! I so appreciate you blessing us with your time, study and sharing of the nuggets you glean!

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