We all want to know how to memorize Scripture in ways that are effective and useful. From the time we are in Sunday School, we are taught the importance of learning how to memorize Scripture. Why then does it seem to be such a chore to understand how to memorize Scripture? Memorizing Scripture doesn’t have to be a laborious chore that take hours each day.
In fact, learning to memorize Scripture can become a great delight and joy as we seek to grow in our faith and hide God’s Word in our hearts!
Why Should we Learn How to Memorize Scripture?
Knowing and understanding God’s Word is even greater than monetary value. It is more precious than rubies.
We know the verses that emphasize meditating on God’s Word and hiding his precepts in our hearts.
Scripture brings healing to our souls, and freedom for us to live in true righteousness, peace and joy (Romans 14:17).
There are so many Scriptures that focus on the power and beauty of meditating on Scripture.
Verses like,
I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you.
Psalm 119:11
For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.
Hebrews 4:12
All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.
2 Timothy 3:16-17
Your word is a lamp for my feet, and a light on my path.
Psalm 119:105
Since we know that Scripture talks about the importance of knowing God’s Word, we can learn how to memorize Scripture to gain peace, joy, and victory in our lives!
How My Mom Memorized Hundreds of Scriptures in a Few Months
My mom has always been a wonderful spiritual mentor. Not only did she teach me and my siblings to memorize Scripture when we were kids, but she has gone on to memorize hundreds of Scriptures since then.
Her most recent method for memorizing Scripture has enabled her to memorize entire chapters of the Bible in just a few short weeks! You can check out her YouTube channel where she maps out her exact method for hiding God’s Word in her heart.
You should start with the intro video to see how she uses stories, word pictures, and creates mental “files” to memorize Scripture.
When you use her method for memorizing Scripture, you can memorize at least 10 Bible verses per week, and by the end of the week, they will be logged in your long-term memory. My kids and I have used her method to help us memorize the Beatitudes and Psalm 121–it truly works!
If you memorize 10 Bible verses a week for 10 weeks, that’s 100 Scriptures! When we have God’s Word stored in our hearts, we can combat the enemy and use Scripture as a powerful weapon against the lies of Satan.
Memorizing Scripture is so powerful!
Eleven Creative Ways to Memorize Scripture
Here are eleven other creative and fun ways we can also hide God’s Word in our hearts as we allow the truth of his promises to revive and restore our souls!
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1. Write, Recite, and Repeat Scripture
This may seem like an obvious and redundant strategy, but it really does work. When we are memorizing a new verse, writing it down helps our brains remember the words much better than merely reciting the Scripture.
Grab a few sheets of paper and write the verse on each piece of paper. Recite it after each time you write it.
Then post the papers in different areas in your house, and each time you see the verse, stop what you are doing and take five seconds to recite the verse.
2. Memorize Scripture with Index Cards to Write the Scripture
There are tons of colorful index cards out there that you can use to write a verse on and post in smaller places like your car dashboard or a drawer.
You can download these FREE Scripture cards to get started memorizing God’s Word!
You can download the Scripture Cards HERE.
3. Record Yourself Saying the Scripture
You can record yourself saying a verse on your iPhone, and even program the recording to go off as an alarm! Check out this article on how to do that.
4. Sing the Scripture
You can make up your own song or use a familiar tune like “Mary had a Little Lamb” to help you remember the verse you are memorizing. Putting new words to a familiar tune is a great way to remember Scripture!
5. Type the Scripture
Try typing the verse in a beautiful script font. If you want to get fancy, use a program like Canva or Microsoft Word and insert beautiful floral artwork.
Then you can print your verse on card stock and hang your Scripture print on your wall as a way to remember the verse you are learning.
There are also TONS of Scripture prints that you can download for free.
You can also purchase beautiful Scripture prints like this one here:
6. Draw the Scripture
Get creative with God’s Word! Get out a notebook or prayer journal and draw pictures of images from the verse that will help you remember the words.
For example, a passage from James says this:
But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere. Peacemakers who sow in peace reap a harvest of righteousness.
James 3:17-18
You could draw fruit with the words “peace-loving”, “considerate”, “submissive”, etc as a way to remember each of the words in the verse. Check out the post on amazing FREE Bible journaling printables that you can use to memorize God’s Word!
7. Use Stickers
After you have written the words to the verse, add stickers or print out clip art of images that remind you of the Scripture! Check out these Scripture stickers here:
8. Recite the Scripture at Each Meal
Use meal times as a way to recite your verse. Since praying before meals is a habit many of us already practice, this would be a great way to practice the verse as we are already giving thanks to the Lord!
9. Color with Scripture
There are tons of ways you can combine the art of coloring and Scripture! Check out JoDitt’s awesome round-up post on free Christian coloring pages for adults, and check out her amazing resources for growing in the Word of God through coloring!
10. Use Scripture as your Lock Screen on your Phone
Since so many of us use our phones throughout the day, use your phone as a way to hide God’s Word in your heart. Use Scriptures as your lock screen or wallpaper on your phone.
There are so many free ones on Pinterest! Prone To Wander has great Bible verse lock screen freebies–and they are stunning!
11. Create your Own Scripture Cards
You can create your own set of Scripture cards by clicking on the image below! These Scripture cards are fillable, so you can download the page and type whatever scriptures you want to memorize and print them out on card stock!
Just click on the image below to download!
Blessings to you as you get creative and memorize the Word of God. This daily practice will truly bless your life! Check out this post on creative ways to study the Bible.
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Looking for ways to deepen your prayer life? Sign up for the BOLD Prayers of Jesus Challenge!
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I love these ideas, Christin. You’ve given me a number of new ways to memorize Scripture that I look forward to trying.
Thanks so much for visiting Ami! 🙂
Thank you so much for the tips!! I really like the 4th tip (singing the verses). I think that is a really clever way and that it will help more. Thanks again!
Thanks so much for visiting! I love using music to help me memorize Scripture! 🙂
Thank you so much for sharing these ideas. The Scriptures are very important in our lives, as they are our strongest weapon when the enemy threatens us. Most of us have a hard time memorizing the scriptures, and because of this article, we can easily memorize the scriptures. Thank you so much for that.