Looking for fun and creative ways to study the Bible? Many people desire to deepen their faith by finding ways to study the Bible creatively. Studying the Bible is a wonderful way to draw closer to God, and there are so many different Bible study methods available today. In this post we will explore at least ten different ways to study the Bible creatively!
Why Do a Creative Bible Study?
I can still remember vividly the feel of the fresh soil in my hands. I was at a women’s retreat and was blown away by the amazing teaching of Cindy Bultema, the refreshing worship, and precious time spent with my Savior in a cozy retreat center along the breathtaking shores of Lake Michigan.
In the midst of such a powerful event, one activity especially resonated with me. To illustrate and apply the biblical teachings of the retreat, all of the attendees were given a small glass flower pot to fill with soil. We decorated our little pots with ribbons, washi tape, stickers, and permanent markers, then planted flower seeds in our pots, signifying that we were surrendering our hearts to God.
The planting of the seeds illustrated the planting of God’s Word deep within our hearts, as we committed to trusting Him in our season of waiting. What struck me about this activity was how simple, yet amazingly profound it was to tangibly create a visual representation of the life-giving message we heard earlier that day.
It never occurred to me how powerful the act of creating a physical object could be such a spiritually enriching experience. Many women are looking for creative Bible study methods that will enrich their Bible study experience, and tap into their creative sides.
Many are hungry to use art and mixed media to express their faith. Ever since that retreat, I have also been on a quest to find unique, creative ways to connect with God. One way is by studying the Bible creatively.
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How to Study the Bible Creatively
One of the reasons we should study the Bible creatively is because God is creative.
In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Genesis 1:1
The very first action God performs in the Bible expresses His creativity. He created the heavens and the earth–out of nothing. The Hebrew word for create in this passage means to shape, create, fashion and form (source). Later in the chapter of Genesis, after forming the vast sun, stars, and emerald earth teeming with vibrant wildlife, he creates humans–in His image.
Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals, and over all the creatures that move along the ground.” Genesis 1:26
From the dust of the ground, God formed and fashioned Adam, the one creature who was made to mirror and radiate the very likeness of His image. Since God is a creative God, then he has definitely created us to create as well! If you do not feel particularly creative, that’s okay! There are many different ways to express our creativity.
We can use the gifts and talents God has given each of us to impact the world and connect with him! Here are ten ways you can study the Bible and draw closer to God–the Creator of all things creative!
10 Creative Ways to Study the Bible
1. Try Bible Journaling
Bible journaling for some may sound a bit intimidating, but the beauty of Bible journaling is that you have the freedom to dive into God’s Word however you want! Love to paint or draw? Try using a Bible with plenty of margin space to allow your imagination to run wild.
If you are more of a word girl like me, use the margin space for writing notes.
Bibles for journaling:
Bible for Coloring:
Related: New to Bible journaling? Check out how to start Bible journaling for beginners in this post here.
2. Write Scripture
This may seem obvious, but there is great power in writing down scripture! As the words transfer from our heads to our pens, they have the ability to sink deep within our hearts, like seeds planted in rich soil.
You can simply use a journal and choose a book of the Bible to commit to writing down each day. As time goes on, your journal will be filled with the life-giving truths of God’s Word that fill your soul! There are also journals that exist for the sole purpose of writing scripture, like the beautiful Write the Word journals from cultivatewhatmatters.com.
3. Draw Scripture
I must admit that I am no artist, but I have discovered great joy in doodling for the Lord! He doesn’t care if my drawings are perfect or end up in a gallery somewhere. I am learning that simply trying something new (like drawing during my devotion time) is a way I am connecting with the Creator of all things! If you are not an artist like me, I challenge you to try this!
You will be surprised by how merely drawing scripture can open up out hearts to new and greater insights. Have you ever read something from the Bible and had a hard time picturing it? (Like when the prophet Isaiah saw the Lord high and lifted up in Isaiah 6:1?)
Drawing scripture can help you better visualize God’s Word!
Kari from stonesoupforfive.com is so great at this. She has fantastic printable doodling pages to help others connect with God through drawing. She also has incredible Journal and Doodle Bible studies that truly unleash your creativity and give you great tips for studying God’s Word while drawing.
(Also, check out her newest Bible study on the book of Philippians!)
4. Paint Scripture
Have you ever been to one of those painting studios that shows you how to paint step-by-step? We did this with one of my Bible study groups, and we had such a great time! If our God, who beautifully fashioned our world with his words can paint brilliant sunsets in the sky for us to enjoy, we as his image bearers can appreciate art and create beauty as well!
Get some paint (or borrow some from a friend) and grab a canvas or thick card stock. Get creative, and just start painting! There is no right or wrong way to do this. If you feel like adding purple splashes, add purple splashes. If all you can do is paint lines, go for it! Wait for the paint to dry, then paint or write out a portion of your favorite Scripture.
You may not feel like Picasso, but I guarantee you will appreciate the gift of art. If painting in your journal or Bible still makes you nervous, try using water soluble colored pencils. You just color or draw, and use a paint brush to “paint” over your illustrations with water, and it gives your images a beautiful watercolor look!
Good supplies for getting started:
Water Soluble Color Wooden Pencils
5. Use Stickers
Unlike the old Trix commercials, stickers are not just for kids. Have you seen the planner sticker movement? I used to not understand the whole craze behind it, but then it hit me: women love to make things beautiful, and God gave us the innate ability to plan and organize our work and family lives (the Proverbs 31 woman had to be pretty organized!)
Using stickers to combine beauty, organization, and creativity in our planners provides great motivation to accomplish our every day tasks, and using stickers to combine beauty with scripture can be just as powerful and inspiring.
If you haven’t used scripture stickers in your devotion time, I encourage you to give it a try!
Scripture stickers:
Related: Check out this huge list of free Bible journaling printables here!
6. Do a Word Study
Earlier on the blog I wrote a post on the huge value of doing word study, and I can’t say enough about how much I love this method of study. Have you ever read a passage of scripture and a certain word just jumped out at you? Or maybe there is a word you would like to investigate further.
Word studies are a great way to dive deeper into scripture and draw closer to our Savior. You can check out these word study stickers from my Etsy shop here to get started!
Related: New to studying the Bible? Check out how to study the Bible for beginners here!
7. Listen to Scripture
If you are more of an audible learner, listening to scripture is a wonderful way to study God’s word. What’s nice about listening to scripture is that you can do it while doing other things: exercising, cleaning, or simple curling up on the sofa with a steaming cup of coffee.
There are many different dramatized audio Bibles with music and sound effects, which really makes the Bible come alive!
Audio Bibles:
The Word of Promise Audio Bible, NKJV
8. Use Inductive Studies
I was first introduced to inductive Bible studies in my church in high school. Introduced by the wonderful Bible teacher Kay Arthur, her Precepts studies help us dig deeper in the Bible by using symbols and specific drawings to highlight certain passages in Scripture.
Through the inductive method, your mind is trained to look for patterns within Scripture and other observations.
When I did my first inductive study, I really liked using colored pencils or gel pens to draw, underline, circle, and use other symbols as I read scripture.
It forces you to slow down and read every word carefully and closely, as if you are searching for precious treasure!
Related: Check out this post on how 14 effective Bible study methods to deepen your faith!
9. Use Post-it Notes and Index Cards
Use post-it notes and index cards to write down particular passages of scripture you are studying and memorizing.
When my daughter was two, I spent about five minutes each morning reading a simple passage I had written down on an index card and decorated with markers. By the end of the week, we both had the passage memorized. Before we knew it, we had several cards of scripture on a book ring, and at two years old she could recite them all! She even learned to read certain words form the passages because she was used to seeing them so much.
Using post-it notes and index cards are very effective ways to study God’s Word!
10. Taste and See that the Lord is Good!
Are you particularly innovative in the kitchen? We can experience God’s Word by tasting some of the food mentioned in scripture! Studying biblical culture and cooking up some recipes from that time period is a great way to “feast” on God’s Word while feasting on a unique meal!
Biblical history/cookbooks:
What are some of your favorite ways to study the Bible? I’d love to hear in the comments below!
You can also download these FREE Bible tabs to put in your Bible as you study God’s Word! I printed these on cardstock and cut them out, or you could use a tab punch, which is way easier!

Related Posts
11 Creative Ways to Memorize Scripture
14 Effective Bible Study Methods
How to Study The Bible for Beginners
Bible Journaling for Beginners
Check out the Bold Prayer Challenge!
Looking for ways to deepen your prayer life?
Join the BOLD Prayer Challenge! Follow the blog series and read about how different people in the Bible prayed with boldness. You will also receive a prayer guide, Scripture reading plan, Scripture cards, bookmarks, and a Bible journaling page!
Check out Day One of the Prayer Challenge by going to the post HERE!
What great ideas! I’m going to have to check out those two books on food of the Bible! Created to create! Yessss! Blessings!
It’s so intriguing! Our church has done Passover meals together, which is such a great way to experience the Bible in a fresh way!
LOve this – you’re so creative – like our Creator!
Thanks Sue I love how blogging helps me unleash my creativity! 🙂
I just love this! While I love digging into Scripture on its own, sometimes I need something different to bring to the table. Thanks so much for these suggestions!
Thanks for visiting, Emily! 🙂
so creative and motivating! thanks for all your hard word! We can never go wrong with the Word.
Well this was fun! I love how you honed in on the fact that God created us to create! He WAS the first artist after all! I LOVE doing word studies! Delving deeper into the definitions of a particular word can add so much dimension and perspective! And I thought your idea to “taste and see” was intriguing! Never thought of that before! Thanks for sharing these wonderful, creative ideas!
Thanks for stopping by, Rachel! Your inspiring and hope-filled words through your post truly blessed me today! 🙂
Hi Christin! As an artist, I absolutely LOVE all these ideas! Pinning this and will put some of these suggestions into action. Thank you for the inspiration!
This is an awesome list. I especially liked the idea of the index cards: I’m always wanting to memorize the Word, but it’s pretty difficult for me. I bet I could finally do it with that method.
I always love finding you at the Grace and Truth linkup. Love your blog.
Thanks so much for your kind words, Ashley! I have been amazed at how easy it really can be to memorize scripture this way. I think doing it with my daughter definitely kept me accountable!
What inspirational ideas you have created for us here, Christin! Although I’m no artist either, I’m slowly getting into Bible journalling and other creative pursuits to engage with Scripture and feed my faith, and hope to do more as my confidence grows in using new methods. My current favourite thing is to edit images and add faith-related words or poetry to them. Blessed to stop by from the #graceandtruth link up. 🙂
That’s a great idea, Joy! I love the fact that blogging has really helped me to be creative in graphic arts, an area I had no experience in previously! Blessings to you as you draw closer to the Lord through your creative pursuits! 🙂
Thanks for all these creative ideas!
Thanks for stopping by, Bethany! 🙂
The recipe is such a unique and creative idea! I love it! I think kids would enjoy a lot of the suggestions on this list too.
Yes! I love trying new things and including my kids! This year we will be doing the Passover meal as a family, and I can’t wait! 🙂
Christin, this is a wonderful list of ideas! I love any way that helps me connect with God’s word. Thank you!
Thanks so much for visiting, Trish! 🙂
I love these and never thought about listening to the Bible!
Thanks for stopping by, Sarah! My former church always did dramatizations to scripture on audio, and it really makes the Bible come alive! 🙂
I just loved your Christin tips, it’s really wonderful, I’m sure I’ll be putting it into practice, thank you 🙂
Thank you so much for visiting today! 🙂
Thanks for sharing such a great article.
Thank you so much!
Thanks so much for sharing! I love the “Created to create!”
Tank you so much!
Thank you! They are beautiful!
You are so welcome!!
Can’t wait to dig into these ideas more. I love your tabs for the books of the Bible. If you print on card stock and cut out how do you apply them to the Bible?
Thanks for sharing these gems.
Many blessings, Merry Christmas!
Thanks so much for visiting Chelsie! I print the tabs on cardstock and I just use clear tape to tape them in my Bible.