For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful… Psalm 139:13-14
Have you ever looked in the mirror and thought to yourself, “Ugh–you again!” Have you ever been disappointed at what you see staring back at you?
Maybe I’m all alone in this, but there are some days I have to remind myself that the person staring back at me is unique, one-of-a-kind, and divinely designed in the image of God. If you have ever doubted your self-worth and self-image, know this…
You are not common.
The word common according to the Merriam-Webster dictionary has two meanings. It can mean occurring or “appearing frequently; not rare”, and it can also mean “belonging to or shared by two or more people or groups” (source).
In the first definition, you are NOT common, because you ARE rare. There are no clones of you running around. There is only one you.
You are beautiful. You have incredible gifts. You are God’s masterpiece.
Psalm 139:14 describes your uniqueness perfectly:
I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.
The second definition of common is where we live, breathe and love others in community. A place of belonging. We share many things in common with our brothers and sisters in Christ because we are ALL uniquely made in the image of our Lord and Savior. We all need love, forgiveness, acceptance, and grace.
This is a beautiful common ground we all share.
The thing is, we need both definitions of the word. We need to celebrate our uniqueness, and link arms with our communities and celebrate our differences and the things we have in common. The world we live in wants to divide us because of our uniqueness. The enemy wants to keep us from living in true unity. Some people wants us to separate rather than celebrate the fact that we are ALL humans made in the beautiful, glorious image of God.
But we serve a God who is bigger.
A God who loves us uniquely and individually, and calls us all to his magnificent kingdom. No matter our differences, we have so much more in common. [bctt tweet=”No matter our differences, we have so much more in common.” username=””]
And He beckons us all to come.
The next time you look in the mirror, remind yourself that you are His.
You are a rare and precious jewel.
You are clothed with Christ. You are covered in his grace. You are complete in him. [bctt tweet=”You are clothed with Christ. You are covered in his grace. You are complete in him.” username=””]
Celebrate your unique design by contemplating the truth of these five verses:
- You are fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalm 139:14).
- You are a royal priesthood (1 Peter 2:9).
- You are His masterpiece (Ephesians 2:10).
- You are gifted (1 Peter 4:10).
- You are beautifully made in His image (Genesis 1:27).
Can you hear the sweet love letter from your Father?
Remind yourself of these truths every day. Then go and celebrate the uniqueness of others. Share with those around you that they are also masterpieces made in His image.
And that we are all welcome in his kingdom.
Here is a free printable you can print off to hang up and remind yourself that you are a unique, beautiful daughter of the King. Just click on the image of your choice. Hope you enjoy!
Linking with Kate Motaung’s Five Minute Friday! This week’s prompt: common.
Super love your site, Keep up the mighty work!
Thank you so much Sonya! 🙂
Yes, yes, and yes! Love each of the points that you made here. Thank you for this perspective… (#71)
Thank you Tondra! I truly appreciate you stopping by! 🙂
Such beautiful truths that we all need to be reminded of frequently. Unity is such a precious thing that we need to fight for. The enemy certainly disrupts it any chance he gets. Your FMF neighbour.
Thanks so much for stopping by, Jodi! Yes, unity is something we definitely need to fight for. I appreciate your comments! 🙂
Hi Christin, thank you so much for this beautiful perspective full of so much TRUTH! I am always super blessed by perspective anchored in truth. You clearly have a wealth of the word in you and that is such a blessing to those of us who get to read what you write.
I especially loved this: “No matter our differences, we have so much more in common.” – yes!
So thanks again, love from your FMF neighbour, Kara (#74 this week) xx
Thank you so much Kara! Your words are such an encouragement to me. I am so glad that we serve a God who loves us uniquely, individually, and communally–and it is such an honor to be part of the FMF community! Blessings to you, dear sister! 🙂
Love this, Christin: “We need to celebrate our uniqueness, and link arms with our communities and celebrate our differences and the things we have in common.” Beautiful reminders for my heart of who I am in Christ and how He designed us for community. Thank you for sharing your heart, sweet friend. xoxo
Thanks so much, Crystal! I am amazed at how intricately unique he has made each of us, and when we as the Body of Christ unite together, he weaves a beautiful tapestry of his grace and love to a world who desperately needs Him! So glad you stopped by! 🙂
…yes Kara, fortunately I, as her husband, get the privilege of experiencing this wealth of word and truth from her on a regular basis! A blessing, “THAT SHE IS and THEN SOME!!”
Awesome read….
Thanks Honey! It’s been so great having your support–and I learn so much from your wealth of knowledge of the Word! So blessed to do life with you! 🙂
I would like to have something like this set up for myself. Being a self publisher I need to express myself and keep me available for other women. There are so many hurting and have much to say. I want to be a voice for them. Thank u.