4 Truths About your True Royalty in Christ

But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light. 1 Peter 2:9

Do you remember the reality show Toddlers and Tiaras? Perhaps you may have taken a glance at young girls dolled up in fancy do’s and makeup, paraded on stage with frilly dresses in vicious competition to be crowned winner of the latest pageant.

Diva vs. Daughter of the King

Unfortunately, many women today are raising daughters with a “diva” mentality–the notion that everyone and everything orbits around their own little worlds.

The definition of a “diva” is a famous female singer, or “a self-important person who is temperamental and difficult to please (typically used of a woman)” (source).

Many “divas” desire to live in center stage, expecting the people around us to cater to our every desire.

But there is a better way to live.

There is a way to live in peace without the constant striving to achieve greatness according to the world’s standards. Not under the heavy law of perfectionism and performance, but under the canopy of God’s grace and love.

It is a life that is called to a higher level of royalty.

This type of royalty is not the superficial “diva” complex that demands we live in the limelight. It is the humble, gracious mindset of a woman who knows that she is royalty because she is a daughter of the King of kings.

Who is he, this King of glory? The Lord Almighty— he is the King of glory. Psalm 24:10

We don’t have to live for a perishable tiara that tarnishes with time; we are crowned with eternal glory and honor (Psalm 8:4-5). Not because we do all the right things, but because God plucked us out of our sinful mess, dusted us off, and said, “I choose you.”

That is true royalty.

God has given us access to everything we need to live a full, abundant life in Him. We have immeasurable worth and dignity because our Daddy is King of the universe!

1 Peter 2:9 reminds us that we are called to a royal priesthood. The priests in Exodus 28 were the descendants of Aaron, Moses’ brother. God appointed them to represent the nation of Israel by interceding for the people.

They were appointed to wear sacred garments woven with elaborate fabric and gold–garments of dignity and honor (Exodus 28:2).

Jewels adorned the breastpiece they wore, bearing the names of the twelve tribes of Israel.

A plate of pure gold was attached to their turbans, on which were engraved the words:


After the priests were clothed in their sacred garments, they were anointed with oil and ordained as priests. They were consecrated by the Lord and declared holy to serve Him in righteousness.

The priests served God by interceding for the people of Israel and sacrificed animals on behalf of their sins.

Fast forward to the book of Hebrews, and you’ll see that Jesus took the place of the priests and did what they never could. He lived a sinless life and sacrificed Himself as a Holy, spotless Lamb to cleanse the sins of humanity, once and for all! (Hebrews 2:17)

Jesus is the great High Priest, and He invites us to join Him in His royal priesthood.[bctt tweet=”Jesus is the great High Priest, and He invites us to join Him in His royal priesthood.” username=”christinbaker12″]

4 Truths About your Royalty in Christ

Just like the priests in the Old Testament, we are now…

  1. Adopted into His royal family
  2. Appointed to intercede for those around us
  3. Anointed with the power of the Holy Spirit
  4. Adorned in sacred garments of dignity and honor

Discover your true royalty in Christ by checking out this post!

We are consecrated, set apart, redeemed and restored–we are royalty! [bctt tweet=”We are consecrated, set apart, redeemed and restored–we are royalty!” username=”christinbaker12″]

It’s time to stop living as impoverished prodigals or demanding divas and start walking in the royalty, grace, and dignity we have in Christ!

It’s time to forget the sins of our past and live like we are truly forgiven. Jesus has removed the garments of our sin and shame and clothed us in His sacred robes of righteousness.

As a royal priesthood, it’s time to get on our knees and intercede for those in our “tribes”–our family, friends and those in our communities who have not yet joined the royal family.

So put on your garments of splendor, dear sister, and live like you royalty–because you are!

…you also, like living stones, are being built into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood, offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ. 1 Peter 2:5

Discover your true royalty in Christ by checking out this post!

In Conclusion

So remember to walk with your head held high! We are true royalty, and daughters of the King of kings. I pray that this truth radically transforms how you view yourself, and may you walk with dignity, strength and honor, knowing you are clothed with the royalty of Christ!

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20 thoughts on “4 Truths About your True Royalty in Christ”

    1. Amen, Linda! Praise God that we don’t have to perform to be true royalty. What a gift it is to be called a daughter of the King!

  1. Hi Christin,
    I’m your neighbor today at Holley’s and I love how you articulate our identity here! God has already named us and made us worthy, more than any member of a royal family on earth, yet so often we forget who we are and whose we are. Enjoyed these inspiring words today! 🙂

  2. I’ve been watching “The Crown” on Netflix about Queen Elizabeth’s early years and just recently watched the coronation episode. It reminded me of how very sacred and special our calling and position is in Christ, Christin. So I truly appreciate your words here today. We should never go a day without this realization impacting the way we live and relate, not just to others, but to the King of Kings who holds us in His hands.

    1. Yes! Our calling as Christ’s daughters is so sacred, and should definitely impact the way we live our lives and carry ourselves as royalty! Thanks so much for visiting, Beth!

  3. We definitely need to remind ourselves often that we are living a life of true royalty. I appreciate this truth, Christin: “It is the humble, gracious mindset of a woman who knows that she is royalty because she is a daughter of the King of kings.”

    1. Yes! We are now FREE to serve our King–what a wonderful honor and privilege! Thanks so much for visiting, Brooke!

  4. I love this, Christin! Those four little words… ‘once and for all’! If only we could dwell on those words daily, we would indeed be ‘walking in the royalty, grace, and dignity we have in Christ!’ Thanks for the beautiful reminder and encouragement!

    1. Oh Carlie, you are such a blessing! Thank you for your sweet words of encouragement–and yes, we all need these daily reminders of who we are in Christ! Those four words change everything! 🙂

  5. Christin, thank you for this lovely reminder not to get caught up in trying to impress people by the world’s standards. It is so good to know that we can let go of that impossible pressure and live in freedom as daughters of our God and King.

    1. Amen, Courtney! I am so glad that we don’t have to perform for God in order to be treasured and accepted by Him. We are already royalty in His eyes! Thanks for visiting, and blessings to you this week! 🙂

  6. Thank you Christin for this truth about who we are through Christ, daughters of the King of Kings, eternal Father. This is something the Holy Spirit reminded me of today, when I was in a situation with someone today, where I felt disrespected and some thoughts were trying to get hold of my mind to think less of myself because of it. However, the Holy Spirit reminded me that I am a “princess” because God is my Heavenly Father and a “King”. I looked up the word “princess” it means being part of a royal family, being a daughter of a King. Praise God! for this place of honor I have in Him through Christ.

    1. Amen, Rita! Praise God that we are daughters of the Most High King of all kings! Blessings to you as you continue to walk in your royalty with faith and confidence! 🙂

  7. Roxanne Allies

    Thank you. I need this right now. It is very difficult to stay on the narrow path. Purity is a huge word for me. I think if I see myself as the king’s daughter/royalty then maybe it will be easier. It’s a daily thing for me. I need to view myself like this every day.

    1. Thanks so much for visiting Roxanne! I pray that you find comfort in the truth that you are royalty in Christ!

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