Three Steps to an Abundant L.I.F.E

…I came that they may have life and have it abundantly. John 10:10

Over the years I have learned several life lessons from the children’s books I read to my kids. One lesson comes from one of the delightful adventures of the famous Frog and Toad series. My absolute favorite story is called A List.

Toad woke up ready to enjoy another wonderful day with his best friend Frog. Toad made a list of all the things he needed to do before visiting his friend. His list contained some of these tasks:

  • Wake up
  • Eat breakfast
  • Get dressed
  • Go to Frog’s house

He felt very good about accomplishing these things, and went to Frog’s house for a nice stroll outside (which was also on Toad’s list of things to do). Suddenly, a gust of wind blew Toad’s list away. “Help!” he cried. “My list is blowing away. What will I do without my list?”A very distraught Toad didn’t know what to do. Here is an excerpt of what happens next:

“I cannot remember any of the things that were on my list of things to do. I will just have to sit here and do nothing,” said Toad. Toad sat and did nothing. Frog sat with him.

The rest of the story makes me chuckle every time I read it with my children. But Toad’s actions too often remind me of my own struggle with to-do lists.

Making a list of the things I need to do each day can seem so daunting that I often sit like Toad–and do nothing. Not because my list blows away, but because I quickly become overwhelmed with all the things I need to do, and end up accomplishing none of the tasks I originally planned.

Have you ever been there?

I often felt discouraged and defeated.

There was always something to do. The endless piles of laundry. The sea of paper that cluttered the kitchen. The ominous sense of failure I felt when I crashed in bed each night and remembered all the things I forgot to do.

But no more.

I am deciding to live and walk in the freedom and victory Jesus died to give me.

Joyce Meyer once said, “You can’t take authority over your life if you don’t have authority over a sink full of dirty dishes…” (source)

And friends, we do have the authority to take back our lives and claim freedom and fruitfulness in Christ this year!

If God gave us victory over death and sin, He can surely give us the power to accomplish the tasks we set out to do. Jesus came to give us amazing, full, abundant life–a life of victory and true freedom. [bctt tweet=”Jesus came to give us amazing, full, abundant life–a life of victory and true freedom.” username=”christinbaker12″]

The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly. John 10:10 (ESV)

So to stay focused and organized in the upcoming year, I have created The Garments of Splendor L.I.F.E planner to help me live an abundant and productive L.I.F.E (Living In Freedom Everyday).

Here are three steps we can take to reclaim our lives and start living with power and rich abundance.

1. Have a clear vision for your year.

There is wisdom in planning ahead. Jesus told his disciples,

Suppose one of you wants to build a tower. Won’t you first sit down and estimate the cost to see if you have enough money to complete it? Luke 14:28

We don’t have to get bogged down by every detail, but if we have a written plan for what we want to accomplish this year, we will be much more likely to stick to it! Accompanying the the L.I.F.E Planner is a set of goals sheets you can use to write down your spiritual, personal, family, and financial goals.

2. Write down your tasks for each day.

In the Old Testament, God instructed the people of Israel to write down His laws and place them in visible places in their homes (Deuteronomy 6:5-9). God himself wrote the Ten Commandments (He is a list-maker!) So don’t be afraid of your to-do list. Just jot down the main priorities you need to accomplish each day.

I have also included a weekly set of to-do lists, daily schedule sheets, monthly budget sheets, along with weekly meal planning and grocery lists!

3. Don’t worry if things don’t go as planned

There is nothing wrong with planning ahead, but we must be open and flexible if our plans change. Proverbs 16:9 says this: In their hearts humans plan their course, but the Lord establishes their steps. 

Rest assured that the Lord directs your every step. He may take the course of your day in a different direction–and that’s okay! Trust him to lead you, and release yourself from the frustration of not completing everything on your list. We don’t have to get uptight and frazzled when our plans change. We can walk in faith and continue to have peace, joy, and true freedom in Christ!

So what else is included in the Garments of Splendor L.I.F.E Planner?

Twelve Monthly Scripture Reading Sheets 

What if you had a set of Scriptures to meditate on right in your planner? Sometimes we can separate our time with God from the rest of our daily “non-spiritual” tasks, but each part of our day can be given to the Lord as an offering. Now you can read a short daily Scripture on a monthly topic, and get started with the rest of your day–all in the same planner!

Twelve Monthly Calendars

Notes and Contacts Pages

As we prepare for another year of freedom, feel free to print this “Prayer for your Home” printable to frame and hang in your house. This prayer reminds me of God’s faithfulness to me and my family, and gives me extra motivation to accomplish my tasks for God’s glory!

You can print the prayer by clicking on the image below.

Grab your FREE life planner today--filled with scriptures, monthly calendars, to-do lists, and more!

If you would like to download the entire Garments of Splendor L.I.F.E Planner, please check out the link by clicking on the image below!

Embrace your year of freedom and favor today!

Are you ready to tackle this new year with power and optimum productivity? We can do this! Please feel free to share this post with others you think may benefit from this planner.

May the Lord grant you peace as you enter this new year with passion, power and abundant living!

May the favor of the Lord our God rest on us; establish the work of our hands for us– yes, establish the work of our hands. Psalm 90:17

Linking with Crystal Twaddell, Crystal Storms, Kelly Balarie, Holley Gerth and Grace and Truth!

13 thoughts on “Three Steps to an Abundant L.I.F.E”

  1. This is a beautiful planner you’ve done. I try not to set dates, it’s like if I ‘m forcing something it doesn’t work, but if I stay in His rest, it does, even if everything is as perfect as I like to be, I can let go of some cares of the world, and He’s always on time. Thank you.

    1. Thanks Rebecca! I’m with you about setting dates–I try to remember to write down appointments or events in pencil, because I know that things usually change! If we have the mentality like James 4:15 says, “If it is the Lord’s will, we will live and do this or that…” then we can have peace knowing that our plans are nestled safely under the sovereignty of the Lord’s will! Thanks for stopping by today!

    1. Thanks so much, Lauren! It is going to be an AWESOME year for the both of us–because we serve such a wonderful Savior! Blessings to you and your family this Christmas season! 🙂

  2. Hi Christin, I’m happy to meet you and enjoy your beautiful blog.
    Wow, it seems like you thought of everything when you put together this planner — and it is absolutely gorgeous. Well done!
    I can totally relate to feeling overwhelmed and then doing nothing. Here’s praying that we’re both on fire to achieve God’s plans in 2017. Let us walk with grace and He will do the rest.
    Blessings and sparkles,


    1. Thanks so much for visiting, Marva! Yes, I have great hopes that 2017 will be a great year for the both of us, as we continue to allow the Lord direct our every steps! Many many blessings to you and your family!! 🙂

  3. Love this, Christen! I loved your reference to Frog and Toad. Your planners are beautiful. Nicely done. Thank you for the encouragement to walk forward into God’s plan for our lives.

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