We all need daily reminders of our self-worth and value in Christ. The words of others, and sometimes our own negative thinking towards ourselves plants seeds of doubt in our minds about who we are in Christ.
Do you sometimes find yourself forgetting your worth and value? Do you sometimes allow the lies of the enemy to condemn you? Let’s silence the lies around us that try to convince us that we aren’t good enough–in this post we’ll discuss 12 powerful Scriptures that remind us of our true worth and value in Christ!
Discovering our Worth and Value in Christ
A long time ago in the sixth grade, I went to an environmental school on a nature preserve in our city. My classmates and I enjoyed frequent nature hikes, explored nearby streams, and even ran our own chicken coop (with the close supervision of our teacher, of course).
The forest was truly our classroom.
Occasionally on warm days, our teacher would take us to the woods and give us time with our journals and pencils to find our “magic spot”–a small corner of the forest not too far from our school building where we could write, sketch, and just enjoy the outdoors.
I remember sitting many times at my “magic spot”, relishing in the sweet presence of God. I admired the nearby stream. I watched the birds fly overhead, and noticed the pretty pink and white flowers on the forest floor around me.
Even at such a young age, I was aware of the splendor of God.
When I think back on those times, I am reminded of the words of Jesus…
When I consider the vast beauty of God’s creation and behold the splendor of his majesty, when I feel a warm breeze and watch a sea of color surround me, I am reminded of one simple truth:
We are worth more…
We as God’s daughters are worth more than a thousand wild flowers. We are worth more lovely than the brightest lily.
More beautiful than a bouquet of roses.
Think about king Solomon and all his splendor.
The riches.
The gold.
The precious stones and jewels–royal robes of the finest quality. And yet not even Solomon in all his kingly glory was adorned with beauty like a field of flowers. His splendor was nothing compared to the smallest petal of an iris, or the bright splash of a sunflower.
And we are worth more…
If God clothes the grassy fields with a rainbow of splendor, (which blooms one day and then shrivels in the sun), how much more are we, as His precious daughters, clothed with His spiritual splendor and strength?
We are clothed in his beauty that will never wilt.
We are clothed in his strength that will never fail.
We are clothed in his power that will never diminish.
We are clothed with Christ himself (Romans 13:14).
That means we are forever wrapped in his loving arms of grace. He will never leave us naked or shivering with shame. He clothes us with worth, value and honor.
Have you put on Christ today?
Twelve Verses About your Worth in Christ
Here is a free printable of twelve verses that you can “put on” to remind yourself of your worth and identity in Christ!
Feel free to click here or on the image or download!
3 Powerful Prayers to Pray about your Worth in Christ
I hope you use these Scriptures to remind yourself about your worth in Christ! You can also turn these Scriptures into prayers to further affirm your worth and value in Christ. There is great power when we pray the Word of God over our lives! You can take a look at some of these Scriptures and pray them as prayers of praise to God, affirming that you are of great worth and value in his eyes!
Though the mountains be shaken and the hills be removed, yet my unfailing love for you will not be shaken nor my covenant of peace be removed,” says the Lord, who has compassion on you.
Isaiah 54:10
Prayer: Lord, thank you so much that when all seems chaotic around me in my life, I can rest in the powerful truth that your love for me will never be shaken. Praise your name! I thank you that your covenant of peace will never be removed from me, and that you have clothed me in your garments of compassion and grace.
The Lord your God is with you, the Mighty Warrior who saves. He will take great delight in you; in his love he will no longer rebuke you, but will rejoice over you with singing.
Zephaniah 3:17
Prayer: Lord, I praise you today for being my Mighty Warrior–nothing is too difficult for you! I know that I have worth and value in your eyes, for your Word says that you take great delight in me. Thank you that your tender love and mercy watches over me, and that you rejoice over me with singing. You are a wonderful God, and I open my heart to you today. Amen.
So don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.
Matthew 10:31
Prayer: Lord, thank you that your Word says that I don’t have to be afraid. Because you are with me, I can endure any storm! Thank you that I am worth more than many sparrows. If you daily provide the needs of the birds of the air, help me to remember that you will provide for me. Thank you, Lord. Amen.
In Conclusion
The next time to see a bouquet of flowers, remember that you are worth more than its beauty and splendor.
Find your own “magic spot” today, and spend time surrounded by the splendor of your Savior. May we forever walk in the beautiful garments of splendor that we have in Christ!
**This post was originally added to Crystal Twaddell’s Fresh Market Friday and Grace and Truth link ups.
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Looking for ways to go deeper in your prayer life? Join the Bold Prayers of Jesus Challenge! In this email prayer challenge you will receive a prayer guide, a prayer journal, Scripture cards, prayer prompts, and Scripture reading plan, and more!
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I absolutely love flowers at to have the mental image that I AM worth more is uplifting. Thanks so much for sharing this great post. Blessings to you.
Thanks so much Laura! I love the beautiful the images Jesus paints in Scripture of our worth in Him–and I love how flowers are a vivid reminder of how we are clothed with his beauty!
Christin, I absolutely LOVE this post….and the scripture cards are awesome! I think one of the most prominent things we all struggle with is our worth, and when we truly know how much God loves us and paid the highest price for us, well, it makes all the difference. I’m also sharing your graphic all over Pinterest! It is beautiful:)
Thanks SO much, Crystal! I am in complete awe and wonder when I think of our great worth in Christ–all we need to do is take a look out of our windows to see God’s beauty all around us! Such a joy to link up with you! 🙂