Park, Rest, and Delight in God

Hello beautiful ladies!

I pray that you are having a delightful day. I have some exciting news!!! One of my articles is being featured TODAY on my friend Alisa Nicaud’s awesome ministry called Flourishing Today. This is my FIRST guest post, and I am soooo excited to share it with you! I have written a piece on overcoming grief. You can check it out on her blog here!

I am also thrilled to share with you that today’s post is from a special link-up called Five Minute Friday hosted by Kate Motaung. Today’s prompt is: PARK.

I have four beautiful children, ages 7, 5, 4, and 2 (yes, we are quite busy!) One of our favorite activities my husband and I enjoy doing with our kids is heading off to a park near our house. We love to watch them climb the jungle gym, scale the monkey bars, whiz down the slide, and swing as high as their little legs will take them.


On warm summer days I love to feel the warmth of the sun on my face. The soft breeze against my cheek. To hear the joy of my children’s laughter.


When I think of a park, I think of a quiet, restful place. A place of enjoyment and recreation. A place of fun–just for the fun of it.

Did you know that we serve a God who delights in our times of fun? When he rested from creating the world on the seventh day, he didn’t just sit and twiddle his thumbs–he enjoyed his creation. He delighted in all he had made. He created parks and trees and benches and sunsets for us to sit, dwell, and delight in him.

“Here is my servant whom I have chosen, the one I love, in whom I delight…” (Matthew 12:18a)

God the Father delighted in Jesus, and he delights in us.

Have you chosen to enjoy him?

Take a stroll in a park. Admire the flowers and sparrows. Sit on a swing–and bask in the sunshine of God’s rest and recreation.

Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart. (Psalm 37:4)

How do you delight in the Lord? I’d love to hear in the comments below!


Looking for rest and delight in Christ? You may find peace and joy by taking a casual stroll in a park!

6 thoughts on “Park, Rest, and Delight in God”

  1. One of my favorite verses. I’ve often thought maybe God puts specific desires in our heart rather than gives us the ones we already have that tend to be on the selfish side.

    Thanks for sharing.
    Amber stopping over from FMF

    1. Thanks so much for sharing, Amber! I also have found that the more we delight in God, the more our desires line up with his perfect will. I absolutely love this verse too. Have a delightful weekend! 🙂

    1. Thanks Alina! Hope you have a great weekend resting and relaxing with family, and find sweet delight and pleasure in the Lord’s presence!

  2. Oh I really love how you brought that around to God creating these things because He delights in us and we can return delighting in Him. Parks are such a beautiful place. I know the one I describe on my blog also reminds me of God from the beauty around me when I take my two year old. visiting from #34

    1. Thanks so much for stopping by, Kristina! I love how the delight we have in our own children sweetly reminds of how much our Heavenly Father delights in us! 🙂

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