When Truth Pierces through Pain

“Christin, you are pretty, but it’s too bad that you’re black.”

Her words pierced my soul like a razor-sharp dagger. I was in Central America, thousands of miles from my home on a college study abroad program. The beauty of the tropical trees, vibrant flowers and sights of the city were so inviting. But at that moment I felt unwelcome. Unwanted. Utterly despised and rejected.

Have you ever experienced painful words from others that cut like a sword? Join me at Lori Schumaker’s blog Searching for Moments to hear how the healing balm of God’s Word heals our every wound.

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7 thoughts on “When Truth Pierces through Pain”

  1. Christin I read this powerful post a couple of days ago on Lori’s site. Oh how my heart can picture you sitting there trying to process what had just been said. The enemy loves using the words of others to discourage us and make us feel inferior. But you have overcome his tactic and used it for God’s glory as you share the pain from your past. Thank you for being transparent so that we can be inspired:) Blessings my friend!

    1. Thanks so much Gretchen! I read your encouraging words on Lori’s blog, and you SO blessed my soul! Praise the Lord that we can overcome in His name!

  2. Christin, what a powerful post. I’ve never experienced what you went through, but I think we can all relate no matter the color of our skin. We all have labels we allow to define us just as you said in your post. I love how you took something so ugly and used it to glorify God. I’m so glad we serve a God who doesn’t leave us in the ugly but instead uses it for good.

    1. Thank you so much Ashley for reading! We all have experienced pain in some form, and praise God that we can ALL go to our blessed Good Shepherd for hope, healing and peace! Blessings to you, and thanks for stopping by! 🙂

  3. Christin, Thank you for sharing your heart with us! My heart ached for you as I read about your experience! I don’t think people realize sometimes how hurtful words can be. I have never had a such an experience as you shared, but as a woman never be able to have a child, I have had many cruel things said to me by people who didn’t have a clue. Those words also made me feel less than… like I was a mistake of some sort. I praise God for the healing He did in my heart & life! I love, love, love the sweet words He spoke to you to show you how precious you are in Him! Your children have a great mom & person to look up to because of who Father created you to be! Blessings & Much Love to you! Carin

    1. Thank you so much for your encouraging words, Carin! I am so sorry to hear about the hurtful, insensitive comments others have inflicted you with over the years. We all experience deep pain in different ways, but thanks be to God that we can all go to the same Good Shepherd for hope and healing! Thanks for visiting today! 🙂

  4. Christin,

    Your words touched so many and I know they will continue to do so. You are a blessing and a testimony to the power of God in our lives. Thank you so very much for sharing your #ChosenandWorthy story with us. It was an honor to share it with my readers. ♥

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