Praying the names of God is a powerful way to pray. As we call on the Lord and pray the names of God, we infuse the very essence of God into our prayers. We declare the truth of who God is, and proclaim his power and strength in our lives. Why is this so important? Because declaring the truth of God through his Word is a powerful weapon of warfare against the enemy.
During the difficult moments and seasons of life, we need daily reminders of the fact that we serve a GREAT God! One of the best ways to remind ourselves of this truth is to proclaim (yes, even aloud!) that God is good. He is faithful. He is just. We need to be reminded that he is working in our lives, even when the circumstances around us seem to scream the opposite.
In moments of doubt, discouragement and despair, we must remind ourselves of who God is. What better way to do this than by uttering the powerful names of God in prayer?! The names of God described in the Bible speak of his very essence and character.
The names of God reveal to us the very nature of God.
Prayer is a powerful lifeline to God. When we pray the names of God during seasons of difficulty, we can trust and believe that he hears us. Even when we experience moments of peace and joy, we can still connect to the Lord in prayer.
Because we need God every moment! In the good times, and in times of struggle–we need the Lord.
Prayer to God is as vital as the air we breathe.
Think about the words of James in this passage:
Is anyone among you in trouble? Let them pray. Is anyone happy? Let them sing songs of praise. Is anyone among you sick? Let them call the elders of the church to pray over them and anoint them with oil in the name of the Lord. And the prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well; the Lord will raise them up. If they have sinned, they will be forgiven. Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.
James 5:13-16
The common thread throughout this passage is prayer. One of the most powerful and effective ways we can pray is by praying the Word of God.
When we pray the Word of God, we are speaking the truth of God into our very situations–and God’s Word never returns void! That is what it is equally important that we pray the names of God. When we call on the Lord and pray the names of God, we are infusing the very essence of God into our prayers. We are declaring the truth of who God is, and proclaiming the power and omnipotence of God in our lives.
How to Pray the Names of God with Power
So how exactly can we pray God’s names with power? What are the names of God, and what do they mean? There are so many names God used throughout Scripture that point to his amazing attributes as Ruler of the universe. Many of these names are used to describe his power, might, and authority over all of creation.
When we seek to pray the names of God, it’s best to first start by identifying those specific names, and what they mean. Once we understand these names, we can confidently declare these powerful truths into our spoken or written prayers.
21 Names of God to Pray Each Day
Here are 21 names of God with the meanings and Scripture references that you can use to gain a better understanding of our magnificent Lord and Savior! Use these names of God in your prayers as you seek his face for peace, strength, and power each day.
1. El Roi–The God who Sees (Genesis 16:13)
In this passage God appears to Hagar when she flees to the desert from the mistreatment of her mistress Sarai. God took the time to meet this Egyptian slave girl right where she was.
She was not insignificant to Him–and God provided exactly what she needed. In our times of difficulty, we must remember that God is still El Roi today.
He sees you and your pain, and you matter deeply to him!
She gave this name to the Lord who spoke to her: “You are the God who sees me,” for she said, “I have now seen the One who sees me.”
Genesis 16:13
Prayer: Lord, I thank you that you are El Roi–the God who sees. According to your word, you look down from heaven and see all mankind (Psalm 33:13). Look down on me and those in my sphere of influence, and have mercy on us. Guard me with your truth, and lead me in the way you want me to go.
2. El Shaddai–The All Sufficient God (Genesis 17:1)
When Abram was ninety-nine years old, the Lord appeared to him and said, “I am God Almighty; walk before me faithfully and be blameless.
Genesis 17:1
In this passage God appears to Abram and declares that he is El Shaddai–-the all-sufficient God. God then changed Abram’s name to Abraham and declared that he would be the father of many nations.
How was this possible when Abram and Sarai were barren and childless? Because God is all sufficient–nothing is too hard for him!
The next time you find yourself in a situation that seems impossible, remember that you are the child of El Shaddai, and nothing is too difficult for our God!
Prayer: Lord, I thank you that you are El Shaddai–the all-sufficient God. Nothing is too difficult for you. You sustain the entire world in your hands, and nothing is hidden from your sight (Hebrews 4:13). You are all-powerful and mighty–praise be to your name! Help me to remember that no matter what I face, you will uphold me with your righteous right hand (Psalm 48:10).
3. El Elyon–the Most High God (Psalm 9:2)
I will be glad and rejoice in you; I will sing the praises of your name, O Most High.
Psalm 9:2
Another name for God is the Most High God–there is no one above him! He is exalted above all other kings, monarchs, and those in authority. He is lifted high, and his enemies are scattered (Psalm 68:1).
Sometimes the problems and difficult circumstances in our lives can seem so daunting–without knowing, we exalt our problems over the greatness of our Most High God.
But because God is El Elyon, our circumstances must bow the knee to the Most High God!
The next time you feel discouraged and overwhelmed by the circumstances in your life remember this: our God is exalted above all!
Prayer: Lord, I praise your name that you are El Elyon–the Most High God. Is there anything too hard for you? Is there any king, ruler, or authority greater than you? No–you are exalted above all! Help me to trust you with my life, and to remember that nothing can separate me from your love (Romans 8:39).
4. Adonai–Lord, Master (Psalm 16:2)
I say to the LORD, “You are my Lord; apart from you I have no good thing.” Psalm 16:2
The name Adonai in Hebrew means “my lord”. It was also a title used to refer to God without using his proper name, Yᵊhōvâ (Yahweh, or Jehovah), meaning “the existing One”. The Jewish people used the word Adonai when speaking of God, since God’s proper name was so holy that they did not speak that name aloud out of reverence to God (source).
When David in Psalm 16:2 referred to God as Adonai, he proclaimed that The LORD, the Almighty, Holy, “existing One” was his Lord. “You are my Lord…”
How wonderful it is that we can also confidently proclaim that the God of the universe is our Lord?! God is high and lifted up, Master and Ruler of all creation–and we also have the privilege of knowing him intimately! How true it is, that apart from him, we have no good thing!
Prayer: Oh Lord, Master, and Adonai, I praise you that you are Lord over my life. Thank you that I have the honor and privilege of calling you my Lord. I lift my hands and heart to you in gratitude and thanksgiving-holy is your mighty name! I surrender my life to your lordship, and trust you wholeheartedly. May I live my life in obedience to you Word, as I look to you for help, hope, and strength each day. Amen!
5. Jehovah Nissi–The Lord My Banner- (Exodus 17:15)
Moses built an altar and called it The Lord is my Banner. Exodus 17:15
Exodus 17:8-16 describes the powerful story of how the Lord delivered the Israelites from the hands of the Amalekites. Moses ordered Joshua to rally together some of the men of Israel to fight against their enemies. The next day, Moses, Aaron and Hur stood on top of a hill. Moses lifted up the staff of God in his hands (Exodus 17:9).
As long as Moses lifted up his hands, Joshua and the Israelites were winning the battle against the Amalekites. If he lowered his hands, the Amalekites started winning (Exodus 17:11). Eventually, Moses’ arms became tired, and Aaron and Hur took a stone and placed it under him so he could sit on it. They also held Moses’ arms up until sunset, and the Israelites defeated their enemies (Exodus 17:12-13).
After the Israelites gained victory over the Amalekites, Moses built an altar to the Lord and called it Jehovah Nissi–The LORD is my Banner. This became the symbolic name of the altar, reminding Israel that the Lord rallied around them to overcome their enemy. What a powerful testimony to the power and faithfulness of God!
Prayer: Lord, I praise you that you are Jehovah Nissi–the LORD, my Banner. You also provide me with strength and power through your Holy Spirit to overcome the obstacles in my life. Help me to remember that you will fight my battles, and that you will help me in my time of need (Ex 14:14). Amen.
6. Jehovah-Raah–The Lord My Shepherd (Psalm 23:1)
The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing. Psalm 23:1
It is such a comfort to know that God is our loving Shepherd! David not only declared that God was his Adonai, but that he was Jehovah-Raah; the Lord my Shepherd. Jesus also declared in John 10:11 that he is the Good Shepherd. He is good because he laid down his life for his sheep. Our Good Shepherd leads and guides us along paths of righteousness. He will never lead us astray!
Prayer: Lord, thank you that you are Jehovah Raah-the Lord, my Shepherd. I praise you that you lead me beside still waters, and bring comfort and peace to my soul. Help me to trust you with my life as I follow your lead each day. Amen.
Related: Check out this post with Bible journaling printables based on praying Psalm 23!
7. Jehovah Rapha–The Lord that Heals (Exodus 15:26)
He said, “If you listen carefully to the Lord your God and do what is right in his eyes, if you pay attention to his commands and keep all his decrees, I will not bring on you any of the diseases I brought on the Egyptians, for I am the Lord, who heals you.” Exodus 15:26
Before the Lord spoke these words to the Israelites, he miraculously delivered them from the hands of the Egyptians (Exodus 15:19). After they crossed the Red Sea, they entered the Desert of Shur, and travelled for three days without finding any water. When they did find water, they were not able to drink it because it was bitter (Exodus 15:23).
Moses cried out to the Lord, and God showed him a piece of wood. Moses threw the wood into the bitter water, and it immediately became drinkable (Exodus 15:25). The Hebrew word actually means that the water became pleasant, or sweet (source).
Then God declared to the people of Israel that he is Jehovah Rapha-the Lord who heals (Exodus 15:26).
When we are travelling along our own desert circumstances, we, like the Israelites, must remember that God is faithful. He had just displayed his mighty power by parting the Red Sea, and by delivering them from the hands of the Egyptians. We also must remember that God has been faithful to us in our own lives. He is faithful, and he is our Healer. Only he can turn bitter circumstances into something sweet. What a mighty God we serve!
Prayer: Lord, thank you for being my Healer, Jehovah Rapha. You have been faithful to me! Just as you took care of the needs of the Israelites, help me to trust and believe that you will also take care of me. Today I choose to follow your ways and serve you with my life. Amen.
8. Jehovah Shammah–The Lord Is There (Ezekiel 48:35)
“And the name of the city from that time on will be: the Lord is there.” Ezekiel 48:35b
How wonderful it is to know that God is with us! During the time of the prophet Ezekiel, the Israelites were in exile in the nation of Babylon. During his time as a prophet, the Lord revealed to him visions of the time when Israel would be restored back to its glory (Ezekiel 40:1-4).
In Ezekiel 48, the Lord outlined how the land would be divided among the tribes of Israel. After each cubit of land was accounted for by each tribe, the Lord declared the name of the city–Jehovah Shammah: the Lord is there.
After all that the Israelites had been through–after all of the disobedience and rejection of God as their King–and after their exile in a foreign land, God still hadn’t given up on his chosen nation. He chose to remain with them–and he chooses to remain present in our lives as well!
No amount of sin or difficult circumstance can separate us from the love of our great God (Romans 8:38-39). He is Jehovah Shammah. He is there with us, and will never leave or forsake us!
Prayer: Lord, I thank you that you are Jehovah Shammah–the Lord is there. You are with me, even in the midst of my most difficult circumstances. I thank you that you will never give up on me. Help me to remain in you, and to abide in your presence each day. Amen.
9. Jehovah Tsidkenu–The Lord Our Righteousness (Jeremiah 33:16)
In those days Judah will be saved and Jerusalem will live in safety. This is the name by which it will be called: The Lord Our Righteous Savior.’ Jeremiah 33:16
Prayer: Lord, I praise you for being my Righteous Savior! You have clothed me with garments of salvation, and arrayed me in a robe of his righteousness (Isaiah 61:10). I praise you that you have equipped me with the powerful breastplate of your righteousness (Ephesians 6:14). Help me to walk in your righteousness through your power and strength. Amen.
10. Jehovah Mekoddishkem–The Lord Who Sanctifies You (Leviticus 20:8)
Keep my decrees and follow them. I am the Lord, who makes you holy. Leviticus 20:8
The Hebrew word for holy in this passage means to consecrate, prepare, or to dedicate. It also means to be holy, sanctified, and to be separate (source). It is the same word used when God commanded the Israelites to remember the sabbath day and keep it holy (Exodus 20:8). Through the ultimate sacrifice of Christ, we are sanctified, set apart, and made holy! (Hebrews 10:10)
Prayer: Lord, thank you that through you, I am sanctified and set apart for your holy purposes. Thank you that through Christ my sins are forgiven, and I can now have a wonderful relationship with you. Help me to continue to serve you, and to live my life free from the bondage and captivity of sin. Amen.
11. El Olam–The Everlasting God (Isaiah 26:4)
Trust in the Lord forever, for the Lord, the Lord himself, is the Rock eternal. Isaiah 26:4
Prayer: Lord, I thank you that you are the Eternal Rock on which I can stand. All other ground is sinking sand! May your everlasting strength and power sustain me each day, as I stand on the solid truth of your Word. Praise be to your name! Amen.
12. Jehovah Jireh–the Lord will Provide (Genesis 22:14)
Many of us are familiar with this powerful passage in Scripture when Abraham was tested. God told Abraham,
“Take your son, your only son, whom you love—Isaac—and go to the region of Moriah. Sacrifice him there as a burnt offering on a mountain I will show you.” Genesis 22:2
Even though Abraham did not understand God’s request to sacrifice his son, he did not hesitate–and took Isaac to the mountain the next day.
Just as Abraham was about to sacrifice his son, here’s what happened next:
But the angel of the Lord called out to him from heaven, “Abraham! Abraham!” “Here I am,” he replied. “Do not lay a hand on the boy,” he said. “Do not do anything to him. Now I know that you fear God, because you have not withheld from me your son, your only son.” Genesis 22:11-12
At that moment, a ram appeared in a thicket nearby. God provided a for Abraham that day, and the ram was sacrificed instead of Abraham’s son (Genesis 22:13).
So Abraham called that place The Lord Will Provide. And to this day it is said, “On the mountain of the Lord it will be provided.” Genesis 22:14
What a powerful story! God provided for us by sending Jesus to die in our place. Jesus is our sacrificial lamb, and the “ram in the bush”–who took the punishment of our sins.
That is the most powerful provision of all!
Prayer: Lord, thank your for being Jehovah Jireh–my provider. You provided salvation for my sins, and now I will spend eternity with you. Praise be to your name! I also trust and believe that you will provide for all my needs, according to your glorious riches in Christ Jesus!
13. Jehovah Shalom–The Lord Is Peace (Judges 6:24)
So Gideon built an altar to the Lord there and called it The Lord Is Peace. To this day it stands in Ophrah of the Abiezrites. Judges 6:24
The story of Gideon is an inspiring story of how God chooses to use the weak and lowly to display his power, glory, and victory. The Israelites during that time were being harshly oppressed by the Midianites. God called Gideon, a member of the weakest clan, and the least in his family to defeat their enemies (Judges 6:15).
The angel of the Lord appeared to Gideon, and Gideon thought he was going to die, since he had seen the Lord. But the angel of the Lord said to him,
“Peace! Do not be afraid. You are not going to die.” (Judges 6:23)
Then Gideon built an altar to the Lord called Jehovah Shalom–the Lord is Peace. Is God calling you to a task that seems impossible? Do you feel like you are surrounded by trouble and difficulty like the Israelites felt about the Midianites? Remember that Jehovah Shalom is with you! He will fill you with his peace and give you the strength you need to overcome any obstacle in your life.
Prayer: Lord, thank you for being Jehovah Shalom–you are my peace. When my enemies seem to surround me on every side, help me to remember that your peace will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:6). Amen.
14. Jehovah Sabaoth–The Lord of Hosts (Isaiah 5:16)
But the Lord Almighty will be exalted by his justice, and the holy God will be proved holy by his righteous acts. Isaiah 5:16
The definition of the Hebrew word for “host” can mean a large number (or host) of an army, a host of angels, a starry host (the sun, moon, stars, etc), creation, or service (source). God is Lord of all of creation, therefore, he is the Lord of Hosts!
Prayer: Lord, I praise you that you are the Lord of Hosts. You are sovereign ruler over all things; you are a righteous warrior (Exodus 15:3). I exalt you, and praise you for your righteous acts. May your power and might be displayed in my life and in the world, and may people know that you are the One True God! Amen.
15. Elohim Ozer Li–God My Helper (Psalm 54:4)
Surely God is my help; the Lord is the one who sustains me. Psalm 54:4
Prayer: Lord, I thank you that you are my help! You sustain me in times of trouble, and you uphold me with your righteousness (Isaiah 41:10). Guide me each day, and grant me your help, support, and strength. Amen.
16. El Sali–God my Rock (2 Samuel 22:47)
“The Lord lives! Praise be to my Rock! Exalted be my God, the Rock, my Savior!
2 Samuel 22:47
Prayer: Lord, I praise you that you are my Rock! Help me to stand on the solid rock of your salvation. You are steadfast, strong, and my mighty Protector. Hallelujah! Praise to your name! Amen.
17. El Simchath Gili–God My Exceeding Joy (Psalm 43:4)
Then I will go to the altar of God, to God, my joy and my delight. I will praise you with the lyre, O God, my God.
Psalm 43:4
Prayer: I praise you Lord, that you have filled my soul with your exceeding joy! I rejoice in your salvation, and for the peace and freedom I have in you. May your joy and gladness overflow from my heart, and may your joy be my strength (Nehemiah 8:10). Amen.
18. Jehovah Gibbor Milchamah–The LORD Mighty In Battle (Psalm 24:8)
Who is this King of glory? The Lord strong and mighty, the Lord mighty in battle.
Psalm 24:8
Prayer: I thank you that you are the LORD–Mighty in Battle. You have conquered all your enemies, and every knee will bow before you (Isaiah 45:23). Thank you for fighting my battles for me–I need only be still before you (Exodus 14:14). Praise your name!
19. Jehovah El Emeth–LORD God of Truth (Psalm 31:5)
Into your hands I commit my spirit; deliver me, Lord, my faithful God. Psalm 31:5
Prayer: Lord, I thank you that you are the God of Truth. You are faithful, reliable, and steadfast. Every word spoken from your mouth is true, and your Word does not return void (Isaiah 55:11). Help me to reject the lies of the enemy, and to hold fast to your truth today. Amen.
20. Jehovah Hoshiah–O LORD Save (Psalm 20:9)
Lord, give victory to the king! Answer us when we call! Psalm 20:9
The Hebrew word yāšaʿmeans to save, to be delivered, liberated, or to be victorious (source).
Prayer: Lord, I praise you for being my Savior and deliverer. You have rescued me from the dominion of darkness, and called me into your marvelous light (Colossians 1:13). Thank you for your liberating grace and mercy, and for answering me when I call to you. Amen.
21. Sar Shalom–Prince of Peace (Isaiah 9:6)
For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.
Isaiah 9:6
Prayer: Lord, I praise you for who you are–your are my Prince of Peace! You have given me tranquility and rest in my soul. Please keep my mind in perfect peace as I continue to trust in you (Isaiah 26:3). Amen.
Praying the Names of God Scripture Reading Plan
Feel free to download this free Scripture reading plan to pray these 21 names of God each day! Simply click on the highlighted link to download!
21 Names of God Scripture Reading Plan
Have a wonderful day, and remember to pray the names of God each day! 🙂
Related Prayer Posts:
Praying through the Psalms (with Scripture Reading Plan)
Praying the Armor of God (with Scripture Reading Plan)
The Power of Praying God’s Word (with Free Prayer Printables)
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Hi Christin, thank you for this
beautiful and unique site that you
have created. Thank you for letting
God use you to be a blessing and
a helper to us all. This is exactly what
I needed to get me started in the
right direction when praying boldly
in the throng room of God.
Thank you and Praise God for you!!!
Thank you so much, Carol! Your words are so encouraging! Blessings to you as you continue to seek the Lord in prayer! 🙂
Praise God, Carol! I am so glad that you have found this helpful! Praying the names of God is such a powerful way to pray! 🙂
Thank you so much forth this beautiful site. It has been of tremendous help to me as it has given me a lot of insight into prayer. By it, I am learning to pray the scriptures better, while applying them to my situation. I have looked at your prayer for those who are rejected and I must say I found it at the right time as I am in the valley of rejection now. I will continue to use this site to help me to grow in my prayer life.
God bless you.
Praise God! Thanks so much for visiting! 🙂
I would really love to have it but I afford it and print to Sorry Bless you in Jesus name Amen.
Hi Trish! If you are not able to print the Scripture reading plan, you can always keep it on your phone or tablet. Blessings to you as you seek the Lord!
Thanks for giving me the names of the lord
Thank you Christin for creating this site. Praying these prayers and reading the meaningdms if God” names was truly a blessing. God Bless you. Thank you for letting the Lord use you to enrich the lives of people. Praying God continue to Bless you and your family.
Thank you so much for visiting Theodora! God bless!
Thankyou For the 21 names of God ,an what they mean to apply them to my heart,an life in this Faith walk. Godbless you Christian.
Thank you so much for visiting! May the Lord bless you and your family!
I want to appreciate you for taking your time to research these names of God and their meaning and when to apply them during the time of prayer
Thank you so much! I hope you found it helpful!