Enjoying your Journey with God


When I think of this word, I think of the time in college when I went on the greatest journey of my young adult life. I studied Spanish in Honduras for a semester, and soaked in the new experiences, tastes, smells and smiles of a new culture. It was an adventure of a lifetime.

During our vacation time, the college group I traveled with explored the dormant volcanoes of Nicaragua, the beautifully ancient city of Antigua, Guatemala, and snorkeled in the northern island of Utila, Honduras.


Every step of the way, through every mountain and valley of my travels, Jesus was with me in the journey. It makes me think of another journey Jesus took with with two strangers on the road to Emmaus.

It was only days after his death. These men had lost all hope in Jesus being the Savior of the world. As they journeyed with Jesus and told the events of his crucifixion, they didn’t know that they were actually speaking to Jesus himself!

As they traveled with him, Jesus told them what the prophets had foretold long ago about the coming Messiah. He spoke words of grace. Words of power. Words of passion and love. He spoke with such vigor and fervor, that the travelling men wanted to hear more–so they invited him to stay with them and share more (Luke 24:28-29).

It wasn’t until Jesus took the bread at the meal and broke it that the eyes of the men were opened, and they realized they were in the presence of the Savior of the world. Then Jesus disappeared from their sight (Luke 24:31).

Can you imagine the awe and wonder they must have felt?

I love their response.

“Were not our hearts burning within us while he talked with us on the road and opened the Scriptures to us?” (Luke 24:32)

No matter where we are on our journey of life, Jesus is with us. [bctt tweet=”No matter where we are on our journey of life, Jesus is with us.” username=”christinbaker12″]

He walks with us. He talks with us. And if we are paying close attention, our hearts will burn with passion at his very words.

So whether you find yourself on a tall mountain, an exotic island, or the local grocery store, Jesus is with you on your journey.

Keep listening to his voice. Remain in his presence. And he will open your eyes to the riches of his wisdom, grace and truth.

Enjoy the journey, dear sister!


This post is part of Kate Motaung’s Five Minute Friday.

Enjoy your journey of life by kn owing that Jesus walks with you each step of the way!

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