Reading Christmas devotionals are great ways to prepare your heart for the Advent season. I love snuggling on the couch on a crisp winter day to spend time with God through prayer and Bible study.
There’s nothing more peaceful and refreshing than enjoying sweet time with our Savior.
If you are looking for Christmas devotionals to grow your faith and center your heart on the true meaning of Christmas, check out these 17 Christmas devotionals filled with inspiration and encouragement for your faith journey.
All of these books also make great holiday gifts for loved ones!
You can also download a FREE set of Christmas printables at the end of this post that you can print and use as short Christmas devotionals or a mini Bible study!

17 Encouraging Christmas Devotionals

The First Songs of Christmas: A 31-Day Advent Devotional: Meditations on Luke 1 & 2 by Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth
Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth is one of my favorite Christian authors. In this Chrsistmas devotional, Nancy invites you to worship the Lord by examining the songs of Elizabeth, Mary, Zechariah, and Simeon. She also dives into the wonderful songs of worship of the angels who joyfully proclaimed our Savior’s birth.
This is a great devotional that walks you through the Christmas accounts found in Luke 1 and 2.
Hidden Christmas: The Surprising Truth Behind the Birth of Christ by Timothy Keller
This book by pastor and theologian Timothy Keller goes more in-depth on how we can find traces of Jesus in the unexpected places in our lives. This book can definitely be used in your daily devotion times with God, and I like how he breaks down the beauty and wonder of our Savior.
This book is great because it reminds us of why Jesus came to earth–and how blessed we are to receive Christ’s wonderful gift of salvation.
Jesus Calling for Christmas, Padded Hardcover, with full Scriptures
by Sarah Young
Many have enjoyed the Jesus Calling books by Sarah Young, and Jesus Calling for Christmas is another great resource. This book is written as if Jesus is speaking right to you, sprinkled with beautiful winter images and Scripture passages.
May your heart be encouraged as you reflect on Jesus calling you this Advent season, inviting you to dwell in his presence and behold his power and glory!
Good Tidings of Great Joy: The Complete Story of Christmas from the New King James Version
This is a beautifully designed Christmas devotional with the story of Christmas from the new King James Version. The watercolor illustrations in this book that go along with the Scripture passages are absolutely stunning. There are also lovely pages with Christmas hymns to sing as you read the Scriptures.
This book is such a Christmas treasure, and a great gift idea for family and friends!
Because of Bethlehem: Love Is Born, Hope Is Here – Study Guide, Groups/individuals Four Sessions by Max Lucado
Do you sometimes experience loneliness and disappointment during the holiday season? We’ve all been there–in fact, because Jesus came to earth and experienced life as a human, he understands how you feel.
Max Lucado’s Christmas devotional and Bible study Because of Bethlehem reminds of the humanity of Jesus, and since he came as a humble child through the small, seemingly insignificant town of Bethlehem, he understands how we feel as humans.
This four-week study will encourage you and give you hope as you remember that this holiday season, Jesus cares for you!
There is a 2-disc DVD set that accompanies the Bible study that is sold separately, and can be used in group settings or for individual studies.
O Come, O Come, Emmanuel: An Advent Study by Lifeway Women
O Come, O Come, Emmanuel is one of my favorite Christmas hymns, and this Bible study by Lifeway Women is a wonderful way to focus on Emmanuel–God with us. This study is designed to take you deeper into biblical understanding of how Jesus is with us not only during the Advent season, but all year long.
This resource also includes Advent activities for adults and kids, and can be used for your personal devotion time, or in a group setting.
Peace Be Still: A 31 Day Christmas Prayer Journal by Courtney Joseph
We all know that the holiday season can bring loads of stress and chaos. Courtney Joseph in her book Peace Be Still: A 31 Day Christmas Prayer Journal invites you to slow down, take a deep breath, pull up a seat at your couch or kitchen table, and focus on Jesus.
The hustle and bustle of the season can easily distract us from spending quality time with the Lord, and this resource is a great way to spend a few moments with the Savior.
This book includes daily devotions, reflection questions, and journal space to write your thoughts and prayers as you center your heart and mind on Jesus.
Good News of Great Joy: 25 Devotional Readings for Advent by John Piper
This is a great Advent devotional with 25 thought-provoking and inspiring readings from the great pastor and theologian John Piper.
If you are looking for short encouragement to help prepare your heart for celebrating the coming of Christ–and if you are eagerly awaiting his second coming, take a look at this book, and may your heart be filled with joy and gladness at the beauty of our Savior!
Unwrapping the Names of Jesus: An Advent Devotional by Asheritah Ciuciu
We do lots of preparing for the holidays. We prepare our homes with Christmas trees and decorations. We prepare our kitchens with special groceries and cooking ware to create elaborate feasts. We prepare our budgets to make sure we purchase the perfect gifts for each of our loved ones.
But Asheritah Ciuciu in her devotional book Unwrapping the Names of Jesus: An Advent Devotional, poses the question–how do we prepare our hearts spiritually for Christmas?
This Christmas devotion invites you to prepare your heart for Christmas by focusing on the names of Jesus. Names like King of Kings, the Alpha and Omega, and the Lion of Judah.
It also includes Scriptures, prayers, and Advent activities that you can do individually or with your family.
He Is: An Advent Study on the Attributes of God by Becky Kiser
As you study the names of God, you can also study the powerful attributes of God in this awesome Advent study on the attributes of God. Becky Kiser and twenty contributing authors collaborated to produce a great resource to help prepare our hearts for the coming of Christ.
Some of the attributes of God covered in the study include all-powerful (omnipotence), sovereign, just, eternal, and faithful.
Focusing on the attributes of God is a great way to prepare your heart for the Advent season!
The Purpose of Christmas, Study Guide: A Three-Session, Video-Based Study for Groups and Individuals
by Rick Warren
The Purpose of Christmas, a Study Guide is a Christmas study based on the book by Rick Warren with the same title. In his book, Warren points out that Christmas is actually a birthday party–but many people celebrate Christmas without actually acknowledging Jesus. The stars who steal the show tend to be characters like Frosty the Snowman and Santa Clause.
The Purpose of Christmas reminds us once again that Jesus is the reason for the season, and highlights these powerful truths–God loves you. God is with you. God is for you.
This study guide accompanies the book and includes videos that can be used in group settings or for individuals.
Behold! Blessed is She: Mary & Elizabeth: A Bible Study on Luke 1 by Meg Elizabeth Brown and Angie Morrison
I like this Advent study because it shares the perspective of Mary and Elizabeth–two amazing women with divine callings from God that they both received with open arms. Behold! Blessed is She is based on Luke 1:45.
When Mary visited Elizabeth after the angel Gabriel declared that she would give birth to the Messiah, Elizabeth was overcome with joy and declared,
“Blessed is she who has believed that the Lord would fulfill his promises to her!”
This Christmas devotional and Advent study reminds us that we too can believe that God will do great things in our lives.
Sessions include: Being present in the moment, Beholding the Good News, Believing in the Power of God, and Becoming a Waymaker.
Searching for Christmas: What If There’s More to the Story Than You Thought? (A Perfect Gift for Outreach and Evangelism) by J.D. Greear
I really like pastor J.D. Greear’s light and personal approach to uncovering the purpose and meaning behind the Christmas story. This is a short read that can easily be used as daily Christmas devotional readings, or to discuss in a small group setting.
He uses personal stories from his own life and invites readers to think more deeply about why Jesus’ birth is such a monumental event that changed the course of human history.
This book is great for Christian believers, but also is a resource for others who may not have a faith background, but are curious about the historical significance of Christmas.
A warm, thought-provoking book that will inspire you to search for the true meaning of Christmas!
Bring On The Merry: 25 Days of Great Joy for Christmas (Devotional Journal) by Candace Cameron Bure
Who doesn’t love Candace Cameron Bure? In her Christmas devotional Bring on the Merry: 25 Days of Great Joy for Christmas, Bure encourages women to find joy and meaning in the Christmas season by following Mary’s example. In Luke 1:38, Mary’s response to the angel’s remarkable news was,
“I am the Lord’s servant,” Mary answered.
Bure encourages us to be willing, like Mary, to serve and be used by God to make a difference in the lives of others. This devotional includes insightful devotional readings, Scriptures, and journal activities.
A great Christmas gift for friends and family!
Advent Devotions & Christmas Crafts for Families: 24 Scripture Reflections & Simple Projects to Anticipate Christ’s Birth
By Victoria Duerstock
This is a delightful Christmas devotional for families to read together, and would be a great book to read as a family each year during the Advent season.
Not only does the author Victoria Duerstock include devotional readings and Scripture passages, but 24 fun, family friendly activities that can be done each day during Advent.
These activities range from stained glass ornaments, cinnamon oatmeal soap, mason jar luminaries, homemade marshmallows, and much more!
The Greatest Gift: Unwrapping the Full Love Story of Christmas by Ann Voskamp
You may be familiar with Ann Voskamp’s popular books like One Thousand Gifts and The Broken Way, and the Advent devotional is a treasured companion in the homes of many around the world.
If you enjoy beautiful poetic language, you will appreciate her approach to the Advent season through the lens of waiting for the coming Christ through the celebration of the Jesse Tree.
The Jesse tree tradition involves placing a special ornament on a Christmas tree, with each ornament having a connection to Jesus as the Messiah, starting from the Old Testament to the New Testament.
Her book is definitely an Advent classic in many homes!
His Name Shall Be Called (A Printable Christmas Devotional) by Garments of Splendor
Looking for a Christmas devotional with Bible journaling stickers? If you enjoy studying the Bible through Bible journaling, feel free to download and print the Christmas mini Bible study!
There is a section for looking up Scriptures, reflection questions, and journal pages where you can reflect on the beauty of the Advent season by looking more closely at the names of Jesus mentioned in Isaiah 9:1-7.
In Conclusion
I hope that these Christmas devotionals will give you hope and inspiration as you prepare your heart for the coming Advent season, and may you enjoy sweet time with God each day as you read his Word and bask in the wonder and grace of our beautiful Savior!
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Looking for ways to go deeper in your prayer life? Join the Bold Prayers of Jesus Challenge! In this email prayer challenge you will receive a prayer guide, a prayer journal, Scripture cards, prayer prompts, and Scripture reading plan, and more!